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I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life




I am a Primary Director of International Studies, finding, creating and sharing exciting and interactive resources is my passion in life
Book 46: The Bat Rat (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 46: The Bat Rat (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 46: The Bat Rat Review Words bat, his, wish, ball - Decodable Plot Summary Mat is at a well and wonders if it is a wishing well. He makes a wish and throws a coin into the well. He wishes he could fly. Mat has his wish and becomes a Bat Rat. Sam and Will the Baby Elephant come along and make a wish at the well too. All their wishes come true! Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 47: Mat is Wet (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 47: Mat is Wet (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Great Reading Certificate

Book 47: Mat is Wet New Words bell, but, has, - Decodable Plot Summary Sam has a surfboard.He has fun riding the waves. He lets Mit and Mat have turns on his board. Mat falls off the board and disappears in the water. When Sam and Mit see Mat’s hat and bell drift ashore, they fear Mat is lost. Mat is safe, however, but decides that sun is better than surf. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 49: The Bus (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions And Great Reading Certificate

Book 49: The Bus (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions And Great Reading Certificate

Book 49: The Bus New Words ant(s), Ben, bus, had - Decodable Plot Summary Sam has a new bus with a special bell on it. As he drives around, he hits the bell. Sis and Nan hear the bell and join Sam on his bus. When the bus almost hits an ant hill, all the ants are frightened away but one called Ben. Ben joins Sam and the other animals as they continue on their ride. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 51: The Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Motivational Reading Certificate

Book 51: The Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions and Motivational Reading Certificate

I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. Book 51: The Bee New Words bed, bee, Bill hid - Decodable Plot Summary While taking a nap, Sam and Mit are disturbed by the buzzing of Bill the Bee. Bill flies everywhere. Each time Sam and Mit try to catch him with their butterfly net, Bill hides. When Sam and Mit finally catch Bill, they all can go to sleep, including the bee who has his own little bed. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 52: The Ant and the Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions, Great Reading Certificate

Book 52: The Ant and the Bee (I See Sam Series), Guided Reading Questions, Great Reading Certificate

I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. I have extended the number of resources. Book 52: The Ant and the Bee Review Words bed, bee, Bill, hid - Decodable Plot Summary Ben the ant and Bill the Bee play a game of Hide-andSeek. Bill hides first in a net, then Ben hides in a bus. Later Ben hides in a bed. When Bill looks for Ben in a honey jar, he gets stuck inside. He spies Ben nearby in a bed and calls for help. Ben rescues Bill with a net and together they enjoy spilled honey from the jar. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 10 Sis Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 10 Sis Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 10 Sis New Word is - /i/ /s/ Plot Summary Sis the Snake is asleep on a hollow log when Mit the Chimp awakens her. Mit has an apple which he teases Sis with and then the chase begins. Over and through the hollow log they both go until Sis is tangled in a knot. Mit kindly untangles her and then they sit together sharing the apple. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 8 See It Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 8 See It Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 8 See It New Sounds /n/ New Words in - short /i/ /n/ it - Short /i/ /t/ Plot Summary Mat, Mit, and Sis are playing ball on a very hot day. They suddenly see a shady place and decide to play where it’s not so hot. Then they discover that the shade is really the shadow of Will the Elephant. As the sun goes down, off they all go for a ride on Will’s back. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 9: Sit on It Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 9: Sit on It Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 9: Sit on It New Sounds /o/ New Words sit - decodable /s/ /i/ /t/ on - decodable /o/ /n/ Plot Summary Mat is pulling a wagon when he first meets Mit, then Sis, and then Sam. Each of Mat’s friends wants a ride in the wagon. Mat gives Mit and Sis a ride, but when Sam tries to get in too, the wagon breaks and Mat gets angry. Sam salvages a board from the wagon and carries the others to the beach on it. There, they all play in the water on their new “surfboard.” Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 12: It Is Ann, PowerPoint Presentation, Teaching Activities and a Reading Certificate

Book 12: It Is Ann, PowerPoint Presentation, Teaching Activities and a Reading Certificate

Book 12: It Is Ann New Sounds /n/ New Words Ann - Decodable this - Special Word Plot Summary Mat the Rat introduces Ann the Giraffe to the other animals. Ann has a hat, and the animals all think it would be fun for Sis to sit in it. When she does, the hat falls and lands on Mat. Mat cannot see with the hat over him, but he tries to guess who is standing next to him. He cannot guess, however, and his friends finally have to tell him that it is Ann. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 13: Ann and Nan Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and a Reading Certificate

Book 13: Ann and Nan Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and a Reading Certificate

Book 13: Ann and Nan New Sounds /d/ New Words and - Decodable Nan - Decodable Plot Summary Ann the Giraffe is in the forest wearing a fancy hat with a flower on it. Ann sits under a tree and falls asleep. Mit and Nan the Parrot meet in the same tree, see the flower and discover the hat. They are unaware that the hat belongs to Ann who remains asleep below. When Ann awakens, she is startled to see Nan in her hat. Ann gets her hat back and all the animals nap under the tree. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 14: Nan and the Man Early Reading Book, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 14: Nan and the Man Early Reading Book, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 14: Nan and the Man New Words a - Special Word man - Decodable the - Special Word Plot Summary Mit makes a snowman. Nan watches but the snowman has no face. Nan flies away. She returns with a carrot for the snowman’s nose, then coal for his eyes and a stick for his mouth. Then the final touch—a hat! Ann is angry when she sees her hat on the snowman. Nan suggests that a bucket can be used instead of the hat. The bucket makes the snowman complete. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books.
Book 19 Sis in a Mess  Early Reading Scheme and PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 19 Sis in a Mess Early Reading Scheme and PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 19: Sis in a Mess Review Words fell - Decodable mess - Decodable Plot Summary The animals are on their way to a birthday party for Baby Bear. They forget Sis whose gift is a flower. The party begins without Sis. Baby Bear is pleased with his big new ball. When Sis appears, she is angry and upsets everything by bouncing the ball. Mat teaches her a lesson by overturning a cup of tea on her. Finally, all the animals settle down and have a good time. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 20: Nat Sits Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 20: Nat Sits Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation and Reading Certificate

Book 20: Nat Sits New Words fit - Decodable Nat - Decodable Plot Summary One day Nat the Baby Kangaroo falls out of his mother’s pouch and hops off on his own. Mama Kangaroo does not know her baby is missing until she goes to show him to Sam. When Sam finds Nat hopping along with Sis, Mama Kangaroo is very happy. She makes sure that her baby will not get lost again. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 21: Nat , Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation, and a Reading Certificate

Book 21: Nat , Early Reading Scheme, PowerPoint Presentation, and a Reading Certificate

Book 21: Nat New Sounds /u/ New Words sun - Decodable them - Special Word us - Decodable what - Special Word Plot Summary Mama Kangaroo falls asleep in the sun and Nat scampers away. He meets Mit who gives him a ride in his open car. It begins to rain and Mit and Nat are drenched. Mama wakes up. The sun shines again and Mit takes Nat and his Mama for a ride. I See Sam Books are a series of early reader books developed to teach children in kindergarten to read. The original series, written in 1972, as part of Southwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s (SWRL) Beginning Reading Program (BRP), contained 52 books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Book 33: Mat in the Hat (I See Sam Series), Plus Guided Reading Questions And A Reading Certificate

Book 33: Mat in the Hat (I See Sam Series), Plus Guided Reading Questions And A Reading Certificate

Book 33: Mat in the Hat Review Words fish, hat, he, then - decodable Plot Summary Sis and Mat are watching as Mit builds a kite and decorates it with a picture of a fish. As Mat tries to fly it, a sudden wind carries him high up into the air. His friends cannot reach the little rat who is holding onto the kite string as he sails across the skies. Ann comes to the rescue and catches Mat in her hat. Each new word throughout the program is repeated at least five times in the book in which it first appears and five more times in the next ten books. The first book in the series starts with just 3 words: I, see, Sam. Every book or two adds a few words, until by book 52, the readers have read 95 different words. The SWRL Kindergarten Beginning Reading Program was first implemented in U.S. public schools in the early 1970’s. Due to its tremendous success at achieving its goal of teaching young children to read, over the years the program has been copied, edited and/or revised by a number of individuals, institutions, and companies.
Phonics Screen Revision - 4 documents in one simple PowerPoint!

Phonics Screen Revision - 4 documents in one simple PowerPoint!

Getting ready for the summer Phonics test? Here are two Phonics revision tests from previous years. I have converted 4 documents into a simple to use PowerPoint. It starts off with practice words. These include both real and made up words. These help students to revise how to say the words and to prepare them for the test. This is followed by the practice test. There are 2 levels, a simple level and a trickier level, In each case there are real and made-up words. This is followed by recommendations on how to say each word. This is followed by the marking sheet. These PowerPoints are fun, colourful and an easy way to practice the words either with a whole class or one by one with the students. It is also an excellent way for parents to practice with their children at home. Make phonics testing fun... try this set of PowerPoints today!
Year 3 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

Year 3 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
31 Photos Of Modern Toys PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

31 Photos Of Modern Toys PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For These Cards

Are you teaching about different types of toys? Are you looking at different materials? Are you looking for visual resources to support your teaching? I have collected 30 high quality photos of modern day toys. This pack contains a 31 Teaching Activity Teacher Guide using these photo flash cards. These activities are quick and fun to do and will improve both your students' memory and vocabulary skills. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being used in each of the toys. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Modern Toys. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of toys. The students can then discuss which ones they have at home, which they would like to have at home and which they don't like and why. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
30 Fabric Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom!

30 Fabric Photos PowerPoint Presentation + 31 Fun Teaching Activities For The Classroom!

Are you looking at different materials and fabrics? Are you wanting to use some visual support to make your lesson more effective? I have collected 30 photos of fabrics which your students are free to sort into different groups and discuss. You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different materials being shown in each of photos. You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about different fabrics. The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different types of fabrics. The students can then discuss why they think each one was used or something they could make with it. The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Year 1 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

Year 1 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.